Happy New Year!!!!

January 2, 2014

Hey Worshippers!
Happy New YEAR!!! Can you believe we are in the year 2014?  Boy, does the time fly away quickly—another reminder why we ought to GET READY! Anyhow, we are truly blessed to have been given the opportunity to be alive another year—another year to worship God with our whole hearts! God is truly AMAZING!
The year 2013 for me has been quite interesting. A lot has happened. I became a college Graduate, I learned a lot about myself, I completed a special one year fast, I met some new people, I lost a few friends/family members, I got closer to God, I somewhat witnessed the birth of my spiritual sister, started on a new journey, and how could I forget: “A Heart of Worship” celebrated a year of ministry for God. Happy belated birthday AHW (11-30-12)!!! Wohooo!!! I don’t know about you, but I think God is so0o0 WORTHY of all our praise! Whew! He’s so faithful!
I have to admit though, I have not been very good at keeping up with my blogging ministry. It isn’t because the Lord has not been speaking to me nor have I  become uninterested. That is so far from the truth. In fact, my heart has been so heavy! The Lord has given me so much to share with you all but I became so consumed with other ministries and events in my life. I have also procrastinated several times. Please accept my sincere apologies! For the year 2014, however, I promise to be more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and I will try my best not to neglect this ministry nor my fellow Worshippers.
Before I go, however, I must say a BIG thanks to you, Worshippers! Thank you so much for your love, encouragement, feedback, and support over the past year. I pray that God will continue to use this ministry to draw people from all around the world closer to Him! I look forward to what He has in store for us this year. So, please continue to pray for and support this ministry as it continues to tell the world about our PERFECT Savior, Jesus Christ!

        My GREATEST wish for you all is that this year will be one that you will remember forever. I trust that you will spend a lot of time with God, grow in Him and allow Him to use you, share Him with the world, and completely submit to His will.

      Once again, thank you for your support and cheers to many more years of sharing Christ with the world!

P.S. if you aren’t already, please connect with AHW through social media….

Follow on Instagram – A_Heart_of_Worship12
Follow on Twitter – @AHofW12

Thanks & God BLESS
Love always,
Nissey M.

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