
Welcome to “A Heart of Worship”

A Heart of Worship (AHW) came to life on November 30, 2012 with blogger Nisa McFarlane (Nissey M.) behind the scenes. AHW was birth out of Nisa's passion for sharing the Word of God, encouraging individuals, and addressing modern day issues from a Biblical perspective.

The name of the blog was inspired by the song “Heart of Worship” originally composed by Matt Redman, but was made popular by Michael W. Smith. The song suggests that we ought to give of ourselves to God and remember that in all we do, not only should we bring Glory to God but remember that it is all about Him and never about us! Similarly, Nissey M has given this ministry fully to the Lord and has declared that it is for His glory.
In the latter part of the year 2014, Nissey M. began receiving visions of where the Lord wanted to take the blog. Soon after, in August of 2015, A Heart of Worship expanded the
 blog into a world-wide ministry that has impacted the life of individuals near and far in such a short time. Glory be to God!

A Heart of Worship is a three-dimensional ministry dedicated to:

"Reaching, Encouraging, and Equipping the youth of today!"

Jeremiah 1:5  :: 1 Corinthians 10:31
1. Reaching the youth (ages 15-30), assisting them in identifying their God-given PURPOSE, and inspiring them to use it for His glory. 

Proverbs 13:20  ::  Proverbs 27:17
2. Encouraging and assisting the youth with building and maintaining God-ordained and purposeful RELATIONSHIPS. 

Psalms 96:3  ::  Matthew 28:19-20
3. Equipping the youth with essential tools as they grow into MINISTRY and by use of their purpose, promote going out into all the world and spreading the Gospel truth.

Should you continue to follow us on this journey by being a part of this ministry and taking the necessary steps toward living a life that is fully surrendered to God, consider yourself a TRUE Worshipper!

Thank you for reading & viewing! I pray that you will be truly blessed.

~Nissey M.

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