Hello Worshippers!!!!

Welcome to "A Heart of Worship's Testimony Board"

We all have a story to tell. The fact that we are ALIVE today, means that God is still working in our lives & has extended grace & favor to us. What better way to witness to the people we encounter than by sharing what God has done in our own lives? Mark 5:19 instructs us to testify of God's goodness and mercies in our lives.

Please take the opportunity as you are led by the Holy Spirit, to share with your fellow Worshippers all that God has done in your life.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. " -Revelation 12:11 (NKV)

Thank you for sharing! God bless you ALWAYS!

~Nissey M.


Unknown said...

Prayer & Fasting

In 2013, I was diagnosed with having breast cysts. The doctor recommended coming back every 6 months to monitor if there were any abnormalities. After going back every 6 months, I grew tired of having to wait for the results. On January 12, 2015, I was scheduled for a mammogram and ultrasound. This time around, I decided to fast and pray at the beginning of the year. I sought God and put in my request. I asked if he would allow me to have clear test results. My exact words were, “Lord, please allow these people to say, they don’t see anything. I trust you Lord.” After all the testing, the Doctor said, “you are clear to go, the cysts are gone. Come back when you are 40.” For the record, I’m 37 years old. I was shocked and amazed at how God answered my prayer. Hallelujah!! God is AMAZING!!! He still answers prayer. Please trust him at his word. I give all glory to GOD!! Thanks for allowing me to share my testimony.
- Cindy

Nissey Mack said...

Hey Cindy!!!

Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. God is TRULY faithful! There is NOTHING too difficult or even too simple for Him to do... ahhh! Got to love Him!

Thanks again for sharing what God has done in your life. I look forward to hearing more! ;)

Be Blessed!

-Love always,
Nissey M.

Unknown said...

For me, my whole life has been a testimony. The woman I am now, is definitely not the woman I had expected to be. I thought when I get older and achieve all my educational accolades, have my family and gain wealth then I would give my life to the Lord. But God had another plan.. He not just called me but He chose me, to be a vessel of honor for Him. Not because I deserve to be but because His grace is sufficient and His mercy overflows. So many testimonies I could share of how God provided, delivered, strengthen and brought me through. But Today, my testimony is just to say GOD is truly AWESOME!

Nissey Mack said...


Praise God! Thank you for sharing your testimony with us!!! I'm happy to hear that God is working in and through you. My prayer is that you will continue to walk uprightly and allow God to use you to do great & mighty things!

Be blessed!

-Love always,
Nissey M.

Unknown said...

Testimony Tuesday:: So I don't know what is going on with my hair. If you know me I hated my natural hair like seriously I hate combing my hair from a child so as soon as I was old enough to wear false hair, I am always in my extensions. Now in August I prayed and asked the Lord how should I do my hair for my birthday.. He's like just perm it and straw-curl it, I am like really Lord that's so childish, definitely not a birthday hairstyle but I had no choice than to be obedient. From then every time I wanted a hairstyle, I go to God and say Lord what's next and He says braids. So last time I said well my braids are out now so I didn't bother ask, I went straight to the hairdresser to perm it*cover eyes* she was closed at 5pm on a Saturday (which we know never happens smh). So I took it as an hint and said OK Lord what should I do now, He says "Do Not perm your hair until I say so". Like seriously Lord!! And He told me to do my hair like this, my darling little sister Nioka Daye wanted someone to practice her braiding skills on and tadda lolol
Again, I don't know what's up with this natural hair "season", but I simply being obedient.
Lessons: 1) God cares about every aspect of your life. Luke 12:7
2) We must be obedient in the small things for us to be obedient in big things. Luke 16:10

Nissey Mack said...

The young lady in this picture was 21 years old. She was broken, tired, messed up, and LOST! ●●●

I was in an unequally-yoked relationship that obviously did not glorify God. It left me broken but eventually drew me closer to the Lord. I had been baptized at the age of 7 but as I grew up physically, my spiritual maturity didn't increase. I went off to college and my life became a train wreck! I professed Jesus as Lord with my lips but there was NO fruit in my life to prove it. I was out clubbing, hanging with the wrong crowd, swearing, dressing however I pleased, and involved in relarionships I had NO business being involved with. It wasn't until I hit rock bottom in my unhealthy relationship, that I had an encounter with the Lord where I came to the realization that I was ON MY WAY TO HELL and POSSIBLY DEATH if I didn't give my entire life over to God once and for all! My heart had grown so hardened, I became so bitter toward my ex-boyfriend and men in general, and I developed some habits that were not of God. I couldn't continue to live like that. I was sick & tired of being sick & tired. So0 I looked up, took the hand of Jesus that was outstretched, and I returned to Him. I am grateful that God's grace was extended to me. I have come a far way and I praise God that He NEVER gave up on me. ●●●

I appeal to every single one of you today who have not yet received God as your personal Lord and Savior OR have gone astray like I did...you don't have to wait until you hit rock bottom. God's waiting on you right NOW to give your heart to Him. There isn't any sin you could've committed, that He will not forgive. He loves you! He loves US! So please look up, give Him your hand, get up, and LIVE! It will be the BEST decision you've ever made... I love you all and I'm praying for you like crazy....

(Stay tuned for a VLOG on "unequally-yoked relationships") @ youtube.comaheartofworship12