[Modesty] is the Best Policy

January 27, 2013

Hi guys!!

I have received my first request from a fellow member of this blog (Lesly). He has asked me to speak on the topic of Modesty! Yikes! Modesty? A very sticky topic to converse about...nonetheless, the Lord, I believe has placed the right words on my heart and so I will try my best to discuss it.

The word of God says in 1 Timothy 2: 9-10 "Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works." Also, it says in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body" 

I know this may be a lot to take in nevertheless, please allow me to break it down in its simplest form. I must first begin by sharing something with you all. Though I love the Lord, God with all my heart and I vow to serve Him daily, there are some areas in my life that He is still working on—one of which is the way I dress. See, like most females, I enjoy getting dressed up and fancy before I head out. I LOVE shoes and I consider myself a bit fashion-conscious. Let me tell you something! God does not have a problem with us dressing up or putting ourselves together. Turning these things into an idol or distraction from Him, however, is something He does not condone. In my walk with Him, God teaches me things daily. Recently, the Lord began to reveal to me that there is an issue with the way I dress or carry myself. Though I have been saved for quite some time and have been seeking God on a different level recently, He tried to show me (and He continues to), that I must not only seek to glorify Him through the way I live (not just by going to Church, reading His word, and praying to Him daily), I MUST glorify Him in ALL areas of my life. That is, the way I speak, the places I go, the people I hang out with, what I eat, and the way I dress (just to name a few)! I must say it has been a challenge for me to change the way I dress, but God is the one who has called me to make this change and He has been gracious enough to continue to mold me into the young lady He desires for me to become.

Now, let's get back to the two scriptures above. The first scripture in 1 Timothy 2:9-10, the Lord is saying here that we as women, especially Christian women, must make an effort to dress in a way that is not only respectful to God, but to ourselves as well.* See it’s not the extra bling and fancy things that make us TRUE women of God, but instead it is the way we carry ourselves on a daily basis and who we are portraying to the world through the way we live. The second scripture in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 speaks of our bodies being temples of God. It reminds us that we are not our own as we belong to God and should seek to glorify Him with our bodies.* That is, as I mentioned above in my own personal testimony, God desires for each and every one of us (men and women) to dress in a way that is pleasing to Him.

The word modesty as defined by the Webster's Dictionary is "purity in dress, speech, or conduct." This may be a difficult concept to grasp and somewhat of a challenge to implement. Basically, what I am trying to say is carry or conduct yourself in a way so that when one looks at you, he or she will see the GLORY of God in you. We must exemplify the life of Christ through our own lives. So as it relates to the way we dress, this does not mean you have to throw away all of your clothes and begin
dressing and living like a Nun. This means that before you leave your house to go anywhere (even around the corner), you simply take a look in the mirror and ask yourself, does this outfit glorify God? Does it represent who I am in Christ Jesus? Is it pleasing to God? ...Better yet! Ask the Lord what He thinks!

I want to leave with you all 3 key points! Especially for the ladies....

1. Desire to be married? 
I trust & pray that you desire to marry a man of God, so remember this! Your husband may be out there observing you as you go about your life. Ladies believe it or not, MEN (not boys, thugs, and so forth) admire a woman who dresses appropriately (not showing or advertising herself to the world). Also, if you are currently in a relationship with someone who you desire to marry and you both have decided to wait until marriage to have sex (that's another topic for another season), please, please, please be careful how you dress. You don't want to create any unnecessary distractions for your partner. So cover up and leave every private part of your body for his wild imagination!

2. You are not KFC!
Stop advertising yourself to men! A post I recently added to my Instagram, reads "Ladies, if he only wants your breast, legs, and thighs, send him to KFC!" Yea you may be saying "preach!" or "that's right!" or "amen!" or perhaps you just smiled or chuckled. The point is, as a lady, you have a part to play as well...You cannot be showing off your body to the world and its sons, and not expect a man to crave or desire those things (and sometimes,only those things). We aren't KFC ladies; let us NOT sell our body parts to the world.

3. You belong to God!
You are not your own as the Bible declares! We belong to God. We were bought with a price and when we give our lives to God, we no longer live for us, we live for Him and Him ONLY! So stop trying to please the world and the so called "men" we think that are attracted to the distasteful way we carry ourselves. When you go into most Churches, you hear them say that eating and drinking are not allowed inside the temple. This is not because they want to enforce another rule. This is because the temple is supposed to be HOLY, clean, and immaculate. Imagine what it would look like if we allowed people to eat and throw their trash inside. How many of us would go to that Church? Pshhh! I wouldn't! So in that same way, we need to make sure our bodies (God's temple) is PURE (HOLY, clean, immaculate)!

I know I have said a lot! Then again, that is no surprise as it concerns me LOL...but I really had to get all that out. I believe God has soo0o much more that He would like me to say but we will address them another time. For now, just please remember, God desires the BEST for us! He is such an awesome God! He sent His only son to die on a cross that our sins may be forgiven and that we may have life and more abundantly! That means that we are FREE! So don't be imprisoned with the way we dress, speak, or conduct ourselves...let us act like free people of God and exercise our rights to dress, speak, and act appropriately according to the will and grace of God && remember, next time you head out, don't just look in the mirror to ensure that your swag is turned up, but ensure that your swag correctly reads (Saved With Amazing Grace)!

Because it is written, Be you holy; for I am HOLY.” – 1 Peter 1:16

* This is strictly my interpretation of the scripture used, and is certainly left open to [possible] correction(s). Please feel free to read and study it on your own so that you are able to have a better understanding!

Below you will see a sneak peak of my journey to Modesty!

I am still NOT where I need to be, BUT I have come a FAR way!



**The pictures used in this post are solely my property. If you wish to use them for any purpose whatsoever, you do not have the right to do so without my approval**


Typhanie said...

Love it!

Nissey Mack said...

Thank you Typh!!! :)

You and Chandra will have to give me some more lessons on modesty lol ;)

Lesly said...

Very well written. I like the first of the last 3 points. We (Most men) will not consider a women "wifey material" if she is on Facebook/Instagram showing the world personal body parts.

Nissey Mack said...

Thanks Lesly! Glad you said it! It hits home when a MAN says it! :)

Dwayne Stewart said...

Keep it up! Great job :)

Nissey Mack said...

Thanks Dwayne :-)

Martina said...

Great Post! Lots of women need to see this.... Sad to say but some women haven't been taught and they just don't know any better.

I have nominated you for a liebster award!


Nissey Mack said...

Thanks Martina!

That's so true! It is sad but it's reality!

&& awww thanks! I appreciate that! I will respond to the nomination in a few!! :-)

Thanks again!

Brenda said...

It feels so freeing to start making God-ordained changes in your life.

Great Post!

Nissey Mack said...

Doesn't it?!

Thanks girlie! :-)

Jen said...

Loving it, great message and really cute outfits.


Nissey Mack said...

Aww! Thanks girlie :-)