WHOSE Report Will You BELIEVE?

July 14, 2013

Well, hello blog world! It surely has been a while. Let’s just say I have had a busy past few months as I wrapped up my final year of university. I am PROUD to share that I am now a college graduate ready to do what God has called me to do with my degree. Anyhow, enough about me! I hope everyone has been doing well and will continue to do well.
I have been itching for the longest while on what exactly to blog about completely forgetting who it is that has called me to do this. God gave me this gift and I dedicated my blog to Him from the beginning. Therefore, everything that is written here MUST BE from Him & Him ONLY!
With that being said the Holy Spirit spoke to me this morning as I was observing and thinking about what is currently going on around the world. I believe God wants me to ask this question today: WHOSE report will you BELIEVE? No, seriously! Stop & think about it. Who is your hope in? Who does your help come from? In whom do you TRUST?
Now that you have pondered those questions for a second or two, let me share something with you. In Mark 11: 24, it says “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”{NIV}What this is saying friends is that if we just believe—yes it is that simple; if we believe that we have already received that which we have asked for, it WILL be DONE!
Now let me shift gears for a moment. There are some crazy things taking place in this world we are living in (none of which I will mention specifically; just look around you. They are obvious). I just want to remind you if you already know or tell you if you didn’t know that in spite of all these things that are taking place, that God is STILL God! Yes, my friends He is still sovereign! He sits VERY high yet He looks SO low. He is observing just like we are but the difference between us and He is that we look with anxiety and He looks with assurance; we look with caution or fear and He looks with confidence or braveness!
See the world and the devil wants you to believe that things will never get better; they want you to believe that man is superior to God; they want you to support the things that are not of God; and lastly, they want you to GIVE UP (and on God)! But I come to tell you that those things are LIES from the pit of hell! God’s word DOES not lie and CANNOT return unto Him void. (Isaiah 55:11) All that is happening around us now is exactly that—“NOW”. But there will come a time when at the mention of His name, EVERY knee MUST bow & EVERY tongue MUST confess that Jesus Christ is Lord—the ONLY Lord. (Philippians 2:10)
So friends let me encourage you today. TRUST God NOT man! TRUST God not the government! TRUST God not yourself or your thoughts!  Read His word for yourself and believe that what He says He will do, He will indeed do! So when the Dr. tells you that, that disease you have will not and cannot be healed or speaks death, you speak LIFE! When the government tells you that the economy will never be better and soon you will not be able to pay your bills and a bunch of other lies, you speak TRUTH! When the world continues to live the way they want and promote sin and darkness, you speak LIGHT!
Remember this one thing, we as believers may exist in this world BUT we are NOT of this world! We are children of the most HIGH God; we were birth with a PURPOSE! When everyone else around you is/has giving/given up, you lift your head up, look forward because you know in whom you live, move, and have your being.(Acts 17: 28) So the next time you get bad news or you hear something negative, WHOSE report will you BELIEVE?
I trust that you will not only read and think on these things BUT act upon them! 


Candie said...

Excellent blog post my sister. Keep speaking as the Lord leads. Very uplifting and keep at it.

Nissey Mack said...

Thank you Candie! Will do!

God BLESS! :)